Best of the Best Tire Shops – Ellwood City Ledger


Get a dependable grip on the road with tire sales and installation from our company. Our exceptional brands and services keep you handling the roads with ease.

Auto Services

A vehicle is like a member of your family, so our skilled and knowledgeable team gives it the care it needs to keep you safe and confident. From tune-ups to motorcycle inspections, our auto services give you extra protection on the road.

About Us

Enjoy the peace-of-mind that comes from a properly maintained vehicle with services and products from our tire and autos shop in Ellwood City, Pennsylvania. In business since 1957, Uneeda Tire And Car Care Center is a tire and auto care center that carries most major brands of tires and services import and domestic automobiles.

Our third-generation family business is dedicated to customer satisfaction. We go the extra mile to make your experience pleasant in every way with top-quality service and no hidden fees.

Quality Tire Brands

We equip your vehicle with top-quality, name brand tires, including:


“I would highly recommend Uneeda Tire. Honest and reasonable rates. Very friendly service.”

Jack R. Turner

“We have been buying tires here for about 15 years for our personal and a couple years for our business vehicles. All employees and owner are professional, courteous, knowledgeable and respectful. They listen to your needs and develop the …”

Eric & Galina Ferrigno

“Showed up unannounced due to a flat tire, great service, turned out all I needed was a patch and I was on my way. Only cost 19.00 dollars. Great set of guys. Most def will be returning for future tire needs….”

Rhonda Rankin

Click The Map for Driving Directions

Uneeda Tire And Car Care Center

Phone: 724-752-8473

508 Glen Ave, Ellwood City PA 16117

Business Hours

Monday - Friday:   8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Saturday:                8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Sunday:                  Closed

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